Trip Report 20 September 2014

With the Formula 1® in Singapore on Sunday 21st September,  I decided just to dive on Saturday the 20th.

GS-Diving did a morning and afternoon session at Hantu, a local island located in the southern waters of Singapore. We had Elaine, KC, Hwee Kin, Li, Andrea, Michael, Ramon, Hui Min, Kelvin, Wei Li, Alvin, Hock Hai, Pei Yan, Chay Hoon, Kwan Siong, Colin, Juat Ying and Bee Yan enjoying their compressed air. The visibility was awesome once again.


Tanks and Bukom  GS-Diving Hantu good Vis







GS-Diving Saturday Afternoons Group GS-Diving Saturday's Group









Everyone had a buddy to dive with, so it was a lazy day for me. I sat on the boat for most of the time and helped Francis, the Boat Captain move tanks around.

I did one dive on the Small Wreck, now aptly named Ghost Wreck. For the first time, in a long time I did not have any students, so I made a video of Ghost Wreck.  It’s a small wooden wreck just off the Western Reef of Hantu. It was amazing, with the big puffer fish and bat fish hanging around. Hope you like the video!

I also did a super quick dive at The Breakwall looking to see if I could find the star gazer again. But unfortunately, some open water students from another boat basically created a sand storm and I couldn’t see a thing.

GS-Diving Indian Walker
Chay Hoon’s photo of an Indian Walker

All the regulars were onboard to enjoy the good visibility.  The viz was slightly better in the afternoon. We dived Ghost wreck and The Breakwall on both trips.

Chay Hoon found an Indian Walker and most people thought she said “Indian Worker”.  Everyone laughed all day.





Kelvin joined both sessions. He is a very keen diver and completed all four dives and was happily exhausted by the end. His favourite pictures are below (do click on one picture, so you can view it full sized in a gallery):


Glenda’s tip: Buoyancy means courtesy. Hantu requires a relaxing diving pace. You don’t need to fin, just hover in a horizontal position. By diving low and keeping slow, you can also ensure your fellow divers have clear viz and you won’t damage the coral too.

Cheers, Gary Savins