Trip Report Monday 19 September

I received a call form Andrew who was in Singapore visiting friends and he wanted to do some diving around Singapore.  Andrew is a journalist for an Australian newspaper and he wanted to do a travel write up.


I arranged to borrow George and his awesome RHIB for 2 dives at the soon to be “World Famous” Pulau Hantu. George’s RHIB is perfect for 3-4 divers and has twin 140 horse power engines, so getting to Hantu from Keppel Marina took no time.


I did the first dive with Andrew whilst George stayed onboard the RHIB, the viz was awesome, well awesome for Hantu anyway.  It was at least 7-9m.  We saw about 10 different Nudi’s, loads of fish, a cuttlefish and sting ray.  I explained to Andrew how that was a great dive by Hantu standards.  He was a little surpised.


Andrew and George did another dive whilst I manned the boat and relaxed in the afternoon sun and watched the Singapore Air Force complete bombing runs over nearby islands. Then right before the guys finished the dive, two fighter jets decided to “buzz the RHIB”.  Show Off’s, is what I thought.


Andrew headed home the next day and I look forward to seeing the newspaper article soon.