Prescription Masks

Why suffer with “ready made” lenses when you can have your exact prescription?

Dive-Vision specialize solely in supplying prescription dive masks and swimming goggles, with permanently bonded lenses to your exact prescription.  They do not use ‘off the shelf’ lenses or self adhesive segments.

Used and recommended by GS-DIVING, Dive Vision is run by a highly-experienced optometrist with an advanced qualification in sports vision and he is also a keen scuba diver. This puts him in the unique position of being able to understand exactly what is required to make your particular eyesight perfect underwater.

They can put any prescription into any mask and you can either choose one from their selection or you can send them your own mask and they will put your precise prescription into your mask.

Email or call +65 9800 0539

See what a difference your prescription mask will make to your next dive.