The latest GS-Diving PADI Dive Master Kelvin was running the local trips on Mayday. With 10 people on each of the two trips, he was a busy guy. We dived at Hantu, a local island off Singapore.
I have copied some text from some of the regular divers below and added their best shots too. Hope you enjoy!
From Koh Kwan Siong:
Labour Day is a time to take a real break from work dives. First thing I wanted to do was to catch some footages of shrimp gobies. I had an amazing dive swimming with thousands of fishes at the Hantu Wreck! This album is dedicated to all the fishes today for the great company. Visibility was ok at around 2 – 3 metres, but thankfully the huge schools of fishes make the dive so visual that, man, this is like heaven!
View more at Koh Kwan Siong’s Facebook Page, click here.
From Heng Pei Yan:
Another great day of diving at Pulau Hantu with GS-Diving, though the visibility was not that good. This is my first dive trip with my new Olympus TG-3 camera and Nauticam housing.
It was my first time seeing the Hantu Wreck after 3 years of diving. Time just stopped as I admired the huge number of fish, big and small, hanging out at the wreck. Spent more than half the time exploring the wreck during my first dive, after which I headed south and came across the spoon seagrass bed. I think I saw some bare trails on the seagrass bed. Have the dugongs been feeding here too?
View more at Heng Pei Yan’s Facebook Page, click here.
From Chay Hoon:
Two dives with GS-DIVING at Pulau Hantu on Labour Day afternoon. Visibility was about 2-3m. First dive was at Hantu Wreck and there were lots and lots of fish!
After checking out the wreck, swam southward to check out the “barren” substrate. It may look barren but there are lots of stuff to be seen if you look carefully. Came across a big sand mound and found a Mantis Shrimp just outside its hole on top of the sand mound! This one is much larger compared to those that I came across months ago at the patch reef.
Second dive was at the fringing reef. Visibility was much reduced to about 1-2m for this dive. Saw a few nudibranch and other interesting stuff. Also, did a check on the corals at the shallow end for any sign of bleaching as we enter the hot and dry period. Saw a few corals bleaching and some appeared to be slightly pale but overall the corals still look okay for now. The water was pretty warm compared to previous months though. My dive computer recorded 29°C for today’s dive.
View more at Chay Hoon’s Facebook Page, click here.
Cheers, Gary Savins
Thanks for the use of your photos.