GS-Diving and 24 divers experienced some of the best visibility in local waters to date at Hantu, Singapore.
Saturday was good at about 6 metres and Sunday was even better with up to 8 metres. 8 Metres was better than Tioman, Malaysia about 3 weeks ago when I was there. An amazing weekend and everyone really had a great time with lots to see.
I was conducting PADI Open Water with Jens and SDI Open Water Course with Rachel and Alex. They all did well and completed their courses over the weekend. I’m always happy to see new divers, congratulations!
Rachel’s friend and co-worker Stephanie and her partner Yoke joined on Sunday too. Both these guys were my students from last year and have pretty much dived everywhere since. They enjoyed Hantu too.
Regular diver and good friend Scott Clegg joined on Sunday with his REVO CCR. Scott was grinning from ear to ear after two amazing dives on Sunday. This was one of his last local dives because he is moving job to another Asian country soon.
Chay Hoon and her friend joined on Saturday and found some cool stuff and got great pictures as well. You can view them here on her FaceBook Page – click here to view.
We saw a cuttlefish, loads of nudis, clown fish, pipe fish, coral fish, schooling pomfrits, schooling barracuda, eels, lion fish, angel fish, butterfly fish, cony shrimps and crabs.
Check out some of the pictures taken by GS-Diving PADI Dive Master Karen on Sunday below.
Glenda’s Tip: The more you dive Hantu the better your underwater profile becomes and you can appreciate what Singapore has to offer. Remember go slow and keep low.
Cheers, Gary Savins.
Additional photos can be found on our GS-Diving FaceBook Page – click here to view