TDI Technical Diving Course Prices

TDI Diver Education ProgramsTechnical Diving International (TDI) is the largest technical certification agency in the world. As one of the first agencies to provide training in mixed gas diving and Rebreathers, TDI is seen as an innovator of new diving techniques and programs which previously were not available to the general public.

TDI offers one of the largest ranges of technical diving courses including Intro to Tech, Advanced Nitrox, Advanced Trimix, Advanced Cave and wreck penetration, Rebreathers training and more.

TDI’s professionals are held to the highest standard to ensure quality training throughout the world. Just as it would take your commitment to complete a technical diving course, your TDI instructor would have gone through a much more stringent process to become part of the TDI family.

TDI is committed to offering the highest quality training supported by the latest materials with the most up to date information and techniques. TDI’s materials are written by authors that acutely conduct the type of diving they are writing about.

TDI online learning – click here

Those same materials are updated as technology and equipment changes. With TDI, your options for dive training just became much wider. Start your technical training with TDI now.

Learn to dive today in Singapore with GS-Diving.

SCUBA Diving theory and pool training sessions are conducted in Singapore and the open water dives are generally done in Malaysia, Indonesia or in local Singapore waters.

Let’s start your learning today, contact us to co-ordinate our schedules. Scroll down below, to see all course options.

TDI Course Prices - Home Page Button

TDI – Medical Statement

Course Name Max Depth Course Price Open Water Dive Prices
Twin Tank Workshop Pool Session SGD 150 N/A
Intro to Tech 23m SGD 350 Plus the cost of the required dives and dive gear
Nitrox N/A SGD 250 N/A
Advanced Nitrox 40m SGD 450 Plus the cost of the required dives and dive gear
Decompression Procedures 45m Price On Application
Helitrox 45m Price On Application
Extended Range 55m Price On Application
Trimix Diver 60m Price On Application
Basic Gas Blender N/A SGD 250 N/A
Advanced Gas Blender N/A SGD 250 N/A


SDI Diver Education ProgramsScuba Diving International (SDI) is one of the fastest growing sports diving agency in the world. SDI is recognised worldwide for it’s innovative approach in scuba diving training and is also a member of World Recreational Scuba Training Council.

SDI achieved ISO Global Certification in June 2012 and has now secured the highest level of third party validation that any company can achieve.

SDI offers a list of comprehensive scuba diving courses for both the new as well as experienced divers. SDI is the first agency that equips the students with dive computers from their Openwater courses onwards. This early adaptation of technology proves to be a hit as it allows the student to enjoy diving in a safer and more stress free approach. SDI is also one of the only scuba agencies to endorse a proper Solo Diver program where the more experienced divers are taught how to handle diving emergencies or even prevent them before they happen. These are just two examples of innovative programs that we brought to you.

SDI is also the first scuba training agency to bring the Online Training program to you. The courses available online include Openwater Diver, Computer Nitrox Diver, Deep Diver, Wreck Diver and Navigation Diver. Professional level of Divemaster, Assistant Instructor and Openwater Instructor are available online as well. Now you can take the first step of scuba diving anytime, anywhere.

Learn to dive today in Singapore with GS-Diving.

SCUBA Diving theory and pool training sessions are conducted in Singapore and the open water dives are generally done in Malaysia or Indonesian waters or Singapore waters.

Let’s start your learning today, contact us to co-ordinate our schedules. Scroll down below, to see all course options.

SDI Course Prices - Home Page Button SDI – Medical Statement
Course Name Minimum Age Course Price Open Water Dive Prices
Future Buddies / SCUBA Discovery / Refresher
(One to go)
8 SGD 150 Pool Only
Future Buddies / SCUBA Discovery / Refresher
(Two to go)
8 SGD 90 Pool Only
Open Water Referral 10 SGD 300 (Theory is done on-line) Theory and Pool Only
Open Water SCUBA Diver 10 SGD 400 (Theory is done on-line) Plus the cost of the required dives
Advanced Adventure Diver 10 SGD 400 Plus the cost of the required dives
Rescue Diver 15 SGD 400 Plus the cost of the required dives
CPR1st Administrator 10 SGD 220 N/A
Nitrox Diver 10 SGD 190 N/A
Solo Diver 21 and advanced or equiv with 100 dives SGD 350 Plus the cost of the required dives
Deep Diver 10 SGD 350 Plus the cost of the required dives
Wreck Diver 10 SGD 350 Plus the cost of the required dives
Photography 10 SGD 350 Plus the cost of the required dives